oops, nobody did cause i figured nobody [including me] enjoys reading loonnngggg posts HAHAHA.
i just like typing them out [and wasting alot of time in the process]
toldya i'm a detailed person rawr D:
lets see, i'm sitting in front of the computer, somehow my manymany inspirations to write something interesting [besides my daily life] is..LOST -__-
bytheway, i get my inspirations from the bathroom. miraculously, the shower seems to give me new ideas to start my blogposts :D [not those on my daily life again]
{btw, random fact. i've dumped LOADS of sugar into my body system these days.
here's my sugar tracking list for saturday:
approx. 6 tablets of anqi's impact lime sweets [thanks anqi]
a box of nerds [they contain 50 grams of sugar]
four marks and spencer toffee [very sweet and fattening]
approx. 20++ tablets of clorets mints
marigold fuji apple jelly
a bottle of peel fresh vegetable juice
a bottle of yakult
half a bar of marks and spencer turkist delight chocolate
2 bars of kinder bueno
1 ferrero rocher
2 cubes of chocolate
a cup of soya bean milk
2 pineapple tarts
a cup of sugar cane juice [i think they soak the cane in sugared water]
and i'm sure all our dishes contain sugar.
i'm sorry kidney/liver for making you guys work so hard D:
i'm happy i eat SO MUCH and don't really grow sideways [but not upwards either -.-]
lets be careful of the amount of sugar in my bloodstream, i'm wasting loads of energy on HOMEOSTASIS i suppose. thanks man, i'm learning bio now}
maybe one day i'll change this into a non-dear diary format kinda blog.
and i'll post more pictures [i'm normally rather lazy and busy to do so]
ohyeah hear me crap, i'm free from art class today, and i'm learning new songs for piano! :D
choir has temporarily stopped [hurray!]
my life's mundane i guess, i haven't started mugging so i'll start now. after this post
i don't have anything to type, so lets just reply to tags. they're the easiest.
and please tag, my blog's DEAD D: and thanks to those who tagged~
anqi: hihi mama! wow how long do you take to post? 0.0
{lol one hour plus! D: and boobie i like your impact lime mints! ;]}
kaiying: the first person that xiaoyu sees eachtime she enters the future will be the one that can see her, yup. and THANKYOU EMMA for the cute bottle of hearts! lol i read all the crap messages alr hahaha

{lol i see! and WELCOME KAIYING ^^ although you can't tell they're hearts if i didn't tell you i think. and hoho, they're really crap messages yes xDDDD}
Liu: your blog as if it's a art piece, so colourful! haha long time no see sister in law? =D
{hahaha its been a lonnngggg time since i've posted in so many colours, you're on a tagging spree yes xD haha but yup, long time no see and i just saw you ytd and i'm aware you said 11 "hi emma"s, so here's a "bye bro in law seeyou in school" xD}
ashley: waaa u so bad interupt e couple ^^
{hahhaha nevermind they'll understand they love each other even though i "broke" them apart}
ada`: lol man, you musta taken loads of time to post one post ayeee. loves!
{hahaha yup man, i took loads of time to post that post! [not this one xD] loves too adadadada!}
♥JIAYE: Why is your post so LOOONNNGGG ?-.-
{cause i was in the mood to post a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG post! spastic bimbo hellohello rarrhh! xD}
[off to eat more chocolates and start chomping on mundane maths]
[perhaps you can tell i'm currently working on adorable alliterations (and it doesn't sound quite right here D:)]
bye, and lets be anti-dead blogs nowwwwww
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